Optional Parameter has been introduced since C# 4.0. It's a nice feature indeed. Let's say we wanted to create a Html Helper method that can generate a Html markup of a link by providing the inner Html, controller and action name. The method would look like: HtmlLink(string innerHtml, string action, stirng controller) Definetily, there would be a requirement to provide a routeValue object to make the link in some cases like we want to have a link to edit a blog post, we would need something like: HtmlLink("Edit post", "Edit", "Blog", new {id = 1000}) Before C# 4.0, we had to create another overload for the above method. But with optional parameter we can easily archive this by adding the routeValue param as optional: HtmlLink(string innerHtml, string action, string controller, object routeValue = null) Cool, but the requirement would have a small change. We wanted to provide a css class name for the link so we had to change the method again: HtmlLink(string innerHtml, string action, string controller, object routeValue = null, object htmlAttribute = null) Hmmm, It's becoming more complicated but still okey because "everything is working fine" and "there is nothing wrong with it". Believe me, there are 2 common sentences that I hear everyday. Some days later, a guy in our team felt like it's time to make the method more handy by providing another optional parameter for area name. He wanted to make the change quickly without affecting the existing codes that have been using this method. So the method would be modified again: HtmlLink(string innerHtml, string action, string controller, string area = null, object routeValue = null, object htmlAttribute = null) Now, It's really a problem. The method had too many optional parameters. So when you want to use default area as null and provide route value object and htmlAttribute, then you have to use named arguments when call this method: HtmlLink("Edit post", "Edit", "Blog", routeValue: new {id = 1000}, htmlAttribute: new {@class = "edit-post"}) Given that we would use this powerful method to generate the links for some menu items. And there was a new requirement like if current page comes from the "menu item A" then this menu item should have css class "active". A guy who implemented that change could make this method even more "powerful" by adding another optional parameter: HtmlLink(string innerHtml, string action, string controller, string area = null, object routeValue = null, object htmlAttribute = null, bool isActive = false) It's not difficult to realize that this method's signature is so complicated due to the amount of parameters. It was cool at the first time but rapidly becomes ugly when being added more parameters. You would easily meet this kind of sittuation when you were in a team of many developers because there must be a time people want to have something done as quick as possible without thinking about clean code. I think optional parameter is good as soon as we use it in the reasonable way. For me, one optional parameter in a method is enough and 3 parameters should be the maximum of parameters in any methods. If we need more parameters, it's time to think about a DTO class.
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