Monday, July 23, 2012

DotNet Hotfix KB 2640103

I've a window service which has been running pretty well for a long time. Recently I have installed a .NET framework extended update and it probably caused this error:

Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 6B484BC2 (6B300000) with exit code 80131506

This error message leads me to this support page: It seems to be so many people got the same problem and they've been trying to download this hot fix. I think Microsoft has not officially released it yet.

So if you met the same problem and need the hot fix, download it here, more info:

The problem seems to be fixed after I've installed it as my windows service has been running smoothly for 2 days without crashing. It used to randomly crash within a day.

Goood luck.


sarabjeet said...
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Unknown said...

download is offline, can someone provide it in some way?

Woo Mun Foong said...

Hi Van Nguyen,

Can you send the hotfix to my email -
The link to the site is no longer available.


Unknown said... still work for me

kennteoh said...

is there a x86 version for this?

Unknown said...

Use the link below for x86 ;,%20Windows%202003,%20Windows%20Vista,%20Windows%20Server%202008,%20Win7,%20Windows%20Server%202008%20R2%20(MSI)/nosp/DevDiv955340/30319.526/free/440415_intl_i386_zip.exe

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