I/ Default TunnelFactory
- When using Burrow.NET, one of the important thing to create is a Tunnel by using TunnelFactory:
var tunnel = RabbitTunnel.Factory.Create();
- The Factory static property of RabbitTunnel keeps a default instance of TunnelFactory class. The TunnelFactory has 4 overloads to create the ITunnel object:
public virtual ITunnel Create();
public virtual ITunnel Create(string connectionString);
public virtual ITunnel Create(string connectionString, IRabbitWatcher watcher):
public virtual ITunnel Create(string hostName, string virtualHost, string username, string password, IRabbitWatcher watcher):
- They're all virtual so if you want to implement a custom ITunnel, you have things to override. Personally, I don't think of any cases to make a custom ITunnel but just in case you want to change some thing . These 4 methods are quite straight forward and I think the first one is the simplest one to use since it'll take the RabbitMQ connection string from app.config and create an built-in ITunnel object with built-in dependencies.
- I intentionally don't create an ITunnelFactory but only this base class. The reason is I tend to keep only 1 type of TunnelFactory in use in the whole AppDomain. I mean if you create a CustomTunnelFactory which inherits from class TunnelFactory, you just need to initialize an instance of your class somewhere and this action will automatcally set RabbitTunnel.Factory to this new factory. That's the only way to change the type of RabbitTunnel.Factory since it does not have public setter. Well you still can create any static classes that have similar methods to create the ITunnel if you want but in my opinion, creating tunnel objects from RabbitTunnel.Factory looks better.
II/ Implement a custom TunnelFactory and make it as default
- Let's say you want to replace default DefaultRouteFinder of Burrow.NET and set it your one as the route finder whenever you create an ITunnel. There are at least 2 ways to do that. The first way is creating a custom Factory and override the last method of 4 methods above since that built-in method always use DefaultRouteFinder as RouteFinder. The second way is using DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory. I'll talk about the 2nd way later in this post. There is another simple method to change the RouteFinder of an ITunnel, that is using the method SetRouteFinder of ITunnel but in this topic, we're talking about make it as default RouteFinder.
- This is how to implement the first method:
public class CustomTunnelFactory : TunnelFactory
public override ITunnel Create(string hostName, string virtualHost, string username, string password, IRabbitWatcher watcher)
var rabbitWatcher = watcher ?? Global.DefaultWatcher;
var connectionFactory = new RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory
HostName = hostName,
VirtualHost = virtualHost,
UserName = username,
Password = password
var durableConnection = new DurableConnection(new DefaultRetryPolicy(), rabbitWatcher, connectionFactory);
var errorHandler = new ConsumerErrorHandler(connectionFactory, Global.DefaultSerializer, rabbitWatcher);
var msgHandlerFactory = new DefaultMessageHandlerFactory(errorHandler, rabbitWatcher);
var consumerManager = new ConsumerManager(rabbitWatcher, msgHandlerFactory, Global.DefaultSerializer, Global.DefaultConsumerBatchSize);
return new RabbitTunnel(consumerManager,
new CustomRouteFinder(),
- And here is how to register this as default and use it:
// Put this line somewhere when app start:
new CustomTunnelFactory();
// Create your tunnel:
// Hmmm, I can't stop you doing this:
(new CustomTunnelFactory()).Create(); // But please, it's such an ugly code
- This first way could possibly require you to read the the original TunnelFactory source code to know how to replace the route finder. In fact the override method is exactly the same as the base one except the CustomRouteFinder thing. I personally don't like this way since duplication is always bad. That's why we have DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory.
III/ Dependency Injection Tunnel Factory
- Dependecy Injection is my favorite topic. I like to use libraries that allow me to change behavior easily and I tend to do the same thing in my code. The default RabbitTunnel class has some dependencies. As it's constructor requires following things:
- IConsumerManager
- IRabbitWatcher
- IRouteFinder
- IDurableConnection
- ISerializer
- ICorrelationIdGenerator
- Again, these interfaces have default implementations and I cannot think of any cases that have to change the behavior, but I would not close the door to change it. The potential behavior you possibly want to change could be the way this library handle error which is implemented in ConsumerErrorHandler class. There is a long chunk of dependencies to get there so properly using DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory is the easiest way to change the behavior without spending time reading the whole source code. The way DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory works is that it will try to resolve the object it requires. If it cannot find any registed dependencies, it'll use the default one.
- To use this factory, you have to implement IBurrowResolver interface. Basically, it exposes methods like some popular IOC library like Autofac or StructureMap. So if you use Autofac in your project, simply imlement IBurrowResolver and wrap the Autofac's IContainer inside, delegate all methods of IBurrowResolver to IContainer.
- After have the IBurrowResolver implemented, here is how to use it:
RabbitTunnel.Factory.RegisterResolver(new AutofacBurrowResolver());
var tunnel = RabbitTunnel.Factory.Create();
- That's it. Behind the scene, this extension method does exactly what I say above:
namespace Burrow.Extras
public static class TunnelFactoryExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to register a dependency resolver and set default TunnelFactory to DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="factory"></param>
/// <param name="burrowResolver"></param>
public static void RegisterResolver(this TunnelFactory factory, IBurrowResolver burrowResolver)
new DependencyInjectionTunnelFactory(burrowResolver);
- These things are located in Burrow.Extras so you propably have to grab that nuget package to use it. Obviously, you have to register any dependencies before creating any ITunnel. For instance, if you're using Autofac and you want to change the type of RabbitWatcher when creating ITunnel you have to do this first:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
- And it's pretty similar for other IOC libraries. I use the above RabbitWatcher replacement thing as an example because there is definitely a simpler way to replace the default watcher type which is setting it to Global static class. Okey, It's enough for this topic. I would love to hear any suggestions & comments from you to make this better.